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유니티 경고 windowsvideomedia error unhandled color standard: 0 falling back to default this may result in rendering issues 본문
유니티 경고 windowsvideomedia error unhandled color standard: 0 falling back to default this may result in rendering issues
혀니리리 2023. 10. 12. 16:35WindowsVideoMedia error unhandled Color Standard 0??? : r/Unity3D (reddit.com)
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여기 말에 따르면
우리가 불러온 mp4파일을 설정 변경해야하는데, sRGB는 끄고 override for standard한 뒤 transcord체크, codec을 vp8로 변경해야한다고 한다.
It's a problem with the "Auto Settings" for the selected Platforms (IE Default, Android, WebGL, Windows Universal).
Right click on all your selected videos, tick the 'Override box to access the Transcode, under Codec Change type to VP8. The Auto setting simply does not automatically find the best format which is why those error warnings occur.
Simply hit apply and all that will go away. Why use VP8? Because its cross platform supported and why the other two are even in there like the Hs' that don't reapply help with anything beats me.
Another thing to consider is to un-tick the sRGB box which is on by default. This is specific for the default Color Space 'Gamma' settings. I tend to use Linear anyways, so how you change that is Edit>Project Settings>Player and find the selection for Color Space.
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